International Mentoring Center


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IMC Spain:
Connect, Collaborate & Thrive

IMC Membership

Connect with the IMC Spain and enjoy discounts for mentor credentials, mentoring certifications and mentoring accreditions. Get resources and templates you can use to enrich your mentoring techniques and become part of a global mentoring community.

IMC Credential

Upgrade your occupation by getting mentor’s certificates like CAM, CPM, or CMM. There are several ways through which one can renew or earn these credentials in IMC Spain to help you grow professionally and make an impact.

IMC Accreditation

Gain international recognition for your mentoring work through IMC accreditation of your training facility or organization. Accredit your mentoring programs and demonstrate that you have a strong commitment to quality mentoring, especially organizations in Spain.

Mentoring for Organizations

The certification demonstrates that the firm is dedicated about employee development. Also, it embeds learning culture inside the organization, thereby ensuring that IMC accreditation conforms to global standards while fostering continuous development.

International Mentoring Center (IMC) Spain Region

Join the IMC mentoring network in Spain to enhance your mentoring experience. Become part of the greater influence in the community by sharing your skills. Get engaged in your local mentoring community through the International Mentoring Center (IMC) Spain Region. Access the full ecosystem of mentoring credentials, mentoring certifications, and mentoring accreditations at IMC. Improve your skills as a mentor with an array of resources, and with an IMC membership, enjoy further discounts. Cultivate a mentoring culture in your organization and help your employees upgrade their mentoring skills.

Opportunities as a Member of IMC Spain

We are expanding our mentoring network to grow internationally and within Spain, targeting cities like Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia. Be part of a network of IMC Spain Region mentors committed to making a positive difference in society. Volunteer with the IMC Spain Region to give back using your skills to your community. Lead a local chapter and actively participate in community events to acquire mentoring skills that bring meaningful connections and great contributions to the well-being of your community.

As a chapter leader, you will have the opportunity to participate in mentoring community activities and drive events initiated by this community that support the IMC in Spain. You can also lead mentoring programs and collaborative volunteer opportunities to increase community engagement and be rewarded with MDCs during credential renewal.

As a leader, you will have the opportunity to view the IMC-exclusive content that improves the role of an IMC Spain Region Leader. Mentoring certifications and mentor credentials will be very helpful for your professional and personal development, contributing to your role as an IMC Spain region leader. Your involvement will help make a meaningful difference in Spain’s regional mentoring community.

Contact the IMC Spain Region Management Team to get further details or to show interest.

Contact IMC Support

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    Status: Launching Soon



    Status: Launching Soon



    Status: Launching Soon